The next event before truly studying in Bina Nusantara University is to participate with the academic orientation. In this part of event, we learn about university more, what with how we just graduated from high school and getting used to the high school life. They taught us about how different it is the university from high school, in terms of the schedule, how we have to actively participate and not just listen and receive everything the lecturer give us, and how we have to be more independent than we were in high school.
We started our first day in the large auditorium, consists of all the computer science major students. We were all taught about what algorithm and psedocode are and all the simple examples. There are also small classes for algorithms which is basically for us to be able to practice in the C language.
We were also introduced to our curriculums and to the major itself, like what will we be studying, what kind of things we can study, and introductions to the lecturers. All of the lecturers are very kind and understanding and they’re very patient in teaching us all that they can. The study environment is also very nice.
There is also an exam at the end of the academic orientation. The material consists of the algorithms and pseudocode that we’ve practiced in the smaller classes. It was hard on my opinion because I haven’t studied much on C language, but I intend to try harder in the next exams.